SR EN ISO 3696:2002
Apă utilizată pentru laboratoare analitice. Specificaţii şi metode de analiză
Specifies the requirements for three grades for the analysis of inorganic chemicals. Not applicable to organic trace analysis, analysis of surface-active agents and biological or medical analysis. The material shall be a clear, colourless liquid as assessed by inspection. Classifies according to the content: free from dissolved or colloidal ionic and organic contaminants, very low inorganic, organic or colloidal contaminants and suitable for laboratory wet chemistry work. Specifies the pH and conductivity measurement, the limit tests for oxidizable matter and for reactive silica, the measurement of absorbance and the determination of residue after evaporation at 110 °C.
Status :
In vigoare
Data aprobării : 28.11.2002
Data publicării : 29.11.2002
Număr de pagini : 14
ICS : 75.160.20 Combustibili lichizi
Comitet tehnic : 320 - Carburanţi şi combustibili gazoşi şi lichizi, lubrifianţi şi produse derivate, de origine petrolieră, sintetică şi biologică
- Inlocuieste SR ISO 3696:1995
- A99 SR ISO 3696:1995/A99:2002