SR EN 1097-6:2002

Încercări pentru determinarea caracteristicilor mecanice şi fizice ale agregatelor. Partea 6: Determinarea masei reale şi a coeficientului de absorbţie a apei

This European Standard specifies methods for the determination of the particle density and water absorption of aggregates. The first five methods are applicable to normal aggregates with a sixth method for lightweight aggregates. The principal methods specified are: a) a wire basket method for aggregates passing a 63 mm sieve but retained on a 31,5 mm sieve; b) pyknometer methods for aggregates passing a 31,5 mm sieve but retained on a 0,063 mm sieve.

169,82 Lei

Status : Anulat
Data aprobării : 22.11.2002
Data publicării : 15.12.2003
Data anulării : 23.12.2013
Număr de pagini : 34
ICS : 91.100.15 Materiale si produse minerale
Comitet tehnic : 321 - Beton şi prefabricate din beton

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