SR EN 61000-4-6:2002
Compatibilitate electromagnetică (CEM). Partea 4: Tehnici de încercare şi măsurare. Secţiunea 6: Imunitate la perturbaţii conduse, induse de câmpuri electromagnetice de radiofrecvenţă
Relates to the conducted immunity requirements of electrical and electronic equipment to electromagnetic disturbances coming from intended radio-frequency (RF) transmitters in the frequency range 9 kHz up to 80 MHz. Equipment not having at least one conducting cable (such as mains supply, signal line or earth connection), which can couple the equipment to the disturbing RF fields is excluded. This standard does not intend to specify the tests to be applied to particular apparatus or systems. Its main aim is to give a general basic reference to all concerned product committes of the IEC. The product committees (or users and manufacturers of equipment) remain responsible for the appropriate choice of the test and the severity level to be applied to their equipment.
Status :
Data aprobării : 12.11.2002
Data publicării : 13.11.2002
Data anulării : 01.06.2010
Număr de pagini : 92
ICS : 33.100.20 Imunitate
Comitet tehnic : 30 - Compatibilitate electromagnetică şi perturbaţii radioelectrice
- Indicat la referinte SR CISPR 16-1:1997
- Indicat la referinte SR CEI 60050(161):1997
- Indicat la referinte SR EN 55020+A11:1999
- Indicat la referinte SR EN 61000-4-3:1998
- Inlocuit prin SR EN 61000-4-6:2008
- Modificat de SR EN 61000-4-6:2002/A1:2002