SR EN 1091:2002

Reţele de canalizare sub vid în exteriorul clădirilor

This standard specifies the performance requirements of negative pressure drivensewerage systems carrying domestic waste water independant of their material. It also covers additional performance characteristics that are of importance to the specifies, designers, constructors and operators of vacuum sewerage sys- tem. It does not provide for the evaluation of conformity of systems.

206,11 Lei

Status : Anulat
Data aprobării : 23.09.2002
Data publicării : 24.09.2002
Data anulării : 31.10.2018
Număr de pagini : 50
ICS : 13.060.30 Ape uzate
Comitet tehnic : 186 - Alimentări cu apă şi canalizări şi îmbunătăţiri funciare

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