SR EN 933-3:2002

Încercări pentru determinarea caracteristicilor geometrice ale agregatelor. Partea 3: Determinarea formei granulelor. Coeficient de aplatizare

This part of this European standard specifies the procedure for the determination of the flakiness index of aggregate and applies to aggregates of natural or artificial origin, including lightweight aggregates. The test procedure specified in this part of this European standard is not applicable to particle sizes less than 4 mm or greater than 80 mm.

124,87 Lei

Status : Anulat
Data aprobării : 20.11.2002
Data publicării : 15.12.2003
Data anulării : 29.06.2012
Număr de pagini : 14
ICS : 91.100.15 Materiale si produse minerale
Comitet tehnic : 321 - Beton şi prefabricate din beton

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