SR EN 12350-4:2019
Încercare pe beton proaspăt. Partea 4: Grad de compactare
This document specifies a method for determining the consistence of fresh concrete by determining the degree of compactability. The test is suitable for specimens having a declared value of D of the coarsest fraction of aggregates actually used in the concrete (Dmax) not greater than 63 mm. If the degree of compactability is less than 1,04 or more than 1,46, the concrete has a consistence for which the degree of compactability test is not suitable.
Status :
In vigoare
Data aprobării : 31.10.2019
Număr de pagini : 9
ICS : 91.100.30 Beton si produse din beton
Comitet tehnic : 321 - Beton şi prefabricate din beton
- Inlocuieste SR EN 12350-4:2009