SR EN 17531:2022
Raportare în sprijinul supravegherii serviciilor de jocuri de noroc online de către autoritățile de reglementare a jocurilor de noroc din statele membre
The development of a European standard(s) on reporting by online gambling service operators and suppliers to the gambling regulatory authorities in the Member States for the purpose of supervision of online gambling services will specify the core data for reporting purposes, while ensuring integrity and security of the data as well as personal data protection. The requested European standard(s) will provide a voluntary tool to the gambling regulatory authorities in the Member States without prejudice to the scope of competence of Member States in the regulation of online gambling and without imposing any obligation on them to introduce reporting requirements or to authorize or deny authorization to any operators or suppliers.
Status :
Data aprobării : 30.06.2022
Data anulării : 30.04.2024
Număr de pagini : 272
ICS : 03.160 Legislatie. Administratie,35.240.99 Aplicatii IT în alte domenii,97.200.99 Alte echipamente pentru distractii
Comitet tehnic : 373 - Servicii
- Inlocuit prin SR EN 17531+A1:2023