SR EN 476:2022
Cerinţe generale pentru componentele utilizate în racorduri şi colectoare
This document specifies general requirements to be respected in product standards for components such as pipes, fittings, inspection chambers and manholes with their respective joints intended for use in drains and sewers inside and outside buildings which operate as gravity systems allowing for a maximum pressure of 40 kPa. It also specifies general requirements for components used in hydraulically and pneumatically pressurized pipes, drains and sewers. NOTE 1 Where the term “inside buildings” is used in the context of components fixed inside buildings, it also includes pipes and fittings fixed on external surfaces of buildings. NOTE 2 This document is not a product standard and therefore not intended for the direct evaluation of products. This document covers components to be used in conveying in a satisfactory manner: — domestic wastewater; — rainwater and surface water; — other wastewater acceptable for discharge into the system. This document is applicable to components of circular and other cross sections. This document is equally applicable to components which are facto
Status :
In vigoare
Data aprobării : 31.05.2022
Număr de pagini : 31
ICS : 23.040.05 Conducte si partile lor pentru sistemele de colectare a apelor uzate si a apelor pluviale,93.030 Sisteme de canalizare externe
Comitet tehnic : 186 - Alimentări cu apă şi canalizări exterioare și interioare şi îmbunătăţiri funciare
- Inlocuieste SR EN 476:2011