SR EN 14501:2021

Storuri şi obloane. Confort termic şi vizual. Caracteristici de performanţă şi clasificare

This document applies to the whole range of shutters, awnings and blinds defined in EN 12216, described as solar protection devices in this document. It specifies the corresponding properties and classifications: - relating to thermal comfort: - the solar factor (total solar energy transmittance); - the secondary heat transfer factor; - the direct solar transmittance; - relating to visual comfort: - the darkening performance; - the night privacy; - the visual contact with the outside; - the glare control; - the daylight utilization; - the rendering of colours. NOTE For other purposes, more detailed methods using different parameters can be used. Some of the characteristics (e.g. gtot) are not applicable when solar protection devices are not parallel to the glazing (e.g. folding-arm awnings). This document is not applicable to the solar protection devices using fluorescent materials.

216,15 Lei

Status : In vigoare
Data aprobării : 29.04.2021
Număr de pagini : 46
ICS : 91.060.50 Usi si ferestre
Comitet tehnic : 318 - Uşi, ferestre, elemente de închidere şi accesorii pentru construcţii

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