SR EN 17210:2021
Accesibilitatea și utilizabilitatea mediului construit. Cerințe funcționale
This document describes basic, minimum functional requirements and recommendations for an accessible and usable built environment, following "Design for All"/"Universal Design" principles which will facilitate equitable and safe use for a wide range of users, including persons with disabilities. The requirements and recommendations given in this document are applicable across the full spectrum of the built environment. These functional accessibility and usability requirements and recommendations are relevant to the design, construction, refurbishment or adaptation, and maintenance of built environments including outdoor pedestrian and urban areas. NOTE 1 ‘Design for All’ and ‘Universal Design’ share a similar inclusive design philosophy. "Universal Design" means the design of products, environments, programmes and services to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design. "Universal Design" does not exclude assistive devices for particular groups of persons with disabilities where this is needed. NOTE 2 Terms su
Status :
In vigoare
Data aprobării : 31.03.2021
Număr de pagini : 296
ICS : 91.040.01 Cladiri, în general
Comitet tehnic : 365 - Managementul facilităților și al lucrărilor de construcții