SR EN 55016-2-3:2017
Specificaţii referitoare la metode şi aparate de măsurat perturbaţiile radio şi imunitatea la perturbaţii. Partea 2-3: Metode de măsurare a perturbaţiilor şi a imunităţii. Măsurările perturbaţiilor radiate
CISPR 16-2-3:2016 is available as <a href="">CISPR 16-2-3:2016 RLV</a> which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.<br /> <br /> CISPR 16-2-3:2016 specifies the methods of measurement of radiated disturbance phenomena in the frequency range of 9 kHz to 18 GHz. The aspects of measurement uncertainty are specified in CISPR 16-4-1 and CISPR 16-4-2. It has the status of a basic EMC publication in accordance with IEC Guide 107, "Electromagnetic compatibility - Guide to the drafting of electromagnetic compatibility publications". This fourth edition edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2010, its Amendment 1:2010 and its Amendment 2:2014. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
Status :
In vigoare
Data aprobării : 29.09.2017
Număr de pagini : 223
ICS : 33.100.10 Emisie,33.100.20 Imunitate
Comitet tehnic : 30 - Compatibilitate electromagnetică şi perturbaţii radioelectrice
- Inlocuieste SR EN 55016-2-3:2011/A1:2011
- Inlocuieste SR EN 55016-2-3:2011
- Inlocuieste SR EN 55016-2-3:2011/A2:2014
- Inlocuieste SR EN 55016-2-3:2011/AC:2013
- Modificat de SR EN 55016-2-3:2017/A1:2019
- Modificat de SR EN 55016-2-3:2017/A2:2023