SR EN 55022:2011
Echipamente pentru tehnologia informaţiei. Caracteristici de perturbaţii radioelectrice. Limite şi metode de măsurare
CISPR 22:2008 applies to information technology equipment (ITE). Procedures are given for the measurement of the levels of spurious signals generated by the ITE and limits are specified for the frequency range 9 kHz to 400 GHz for both class A and class B equipment. No measurements need be performed at frequencies where no limits are specified. The intention of this publication is to establish uniform requirements for the radio disturbance level of the equipment contained in the scope, to fix limits of disturbance, to describe methods of measurement and to standardize operating conditions and interpretation of results. This sixth edition of CISPR 22 cancels and replaces the fifth edition published in 2005, its Amendment 1 (2005) and Amendment 2 (2006). This edition constitutes a minor revision. <span style='color:red'>NEW!</span> CISPR 22:2008 is also available as <a href=''>IEC Standards+ CISPR 22:2008</a> which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the techn
Status :
Data aprobării : 31.10.2011
Data anulării : 05.03.2017
Număr de pagini : 180
ICS : 33.100.10 Emisie
Comitet tehnic : 30 - Compatibilitate electromagnetică şi perturbaţii radioelectrice
- Inlocuieste SR EN 55022:2007
- Inlocuieste SR EN 55022:2007/A1:2008
- Inlocuieste SR EN 55022:2007/A2:2011
- Inlocuit prin SR EN 55032:2012
- Inlocuit prin SR EN 50561-1:2014
- Modificat de SR EN 55022:2011/AC:2011