SR EN ISO 4787:2011
Sticlărie de laborator. Instrumente volumetrice. Metode de verificare a capacităţii şi a utilizării
ISO 4787:2010 provides methods for the testing, calibration and use of volumetric instruments made from glass in order to obtain the best accuracy in use. The International Standards for the individual volumetric instruments (ISO 385, ISO 646, ISO 835, ISO 1042 and ISO 4788) include clauses on the definition of capacity; these clauses describe the method of manipulation in sufficient detail to define the capacity without ambiguity. ISO 4787:2010 contains supplementary information. The procedures in ISO 4787:2010 are applicable to volumetric instruments with nominal capacities in the range of 0,1 ml to 10 000 ml. These include: single-volume pipettes (see ISO 648) without subdivisions; graduated measuring pipettes and dilution pipettes, with partial or complete subdivisions (see ISO 835); burettes (see ISO 385); volumetric flasks (see ISO 1042); and graduated measuring cylinders (see ISO 4788). The procedures are not recommended for testing of volumetric instruments with capacities below 0,1 ml such as micro-glassware. ISO 4787:2010 does not deal specifically with pyknometers
Status :
Data aprobării : 31.08.2011
Data anulării : 31.01.2022
Număr de pagini : 30
ICS : 17.060 Mijloace de masurare a volumului, masei, densitatii, viscozitatii
Comitet tehnic : 119 - Sticlă şi ceramică
- Inlocuieste SR EN ISO 4787:2010
- Inlocuit prin SR EN ISO 4787:2022