SR EN 81346-2:2010
Sisteme industriale, instalaţii şi echipamente şi produse industriale. Principii de structurare şi identificări de referinţă. Partea 2: Clasificarea obiectelor şi coduri pentru clase
IEC 81346-2:2009, published jointly by IEC and ISO defines classes and subclasses of objects based on a purpose- or task-related view of the objects, together with their associated letter codes to be used in reference designations. The classification is applicable for objects in all technical areas, e.g. electrical, mechanical and civil engineering as well as all branches of industry, e.g. energy, chemical industry, building technology, shipbuilding and marine technology, and can be used by all technical disciplines in any design process.
Status :
Data aprobării : 31.03.2010
Data publicării : 02.04.2010
Data anulării : 23.07.2022
Număr de pagini : 90
ICS : 01.110 Documentatie tehnica de produs,29.020 Electrotehnica în general
Comitet tehnic : 173 - Terminologie, simboluri şi unităţi în electrotehnică
- Inlocuieste SR EN 61346-2:2004
- Inlocuit prin SR EN IEC 81346-2:2020