SR EN 10341:2006
Table şi benzi laminate la rece din oţeluri nealiate şi aliate pentru electrotehnică livrate în stare semifinită
This document specifies cold-rolled electrical non-oriented non-alloy ) or alloy ) steel sheet and strip delivered in nominal thicknesses of 0,50 mm and 0,65 mm in the semi-processed condition, that is without final heat treatment; in particular, it specifies general requirements, magnetic properties, geometric characteristics and tolerances and technological characteristics, as well as the inspection procedure. This document applies to material intended for the construction of magnetic circuits. These magnetic materials correspond respectively to subclauses C21 and B2 of IEC 60404-1:2000.
Status :
In vigoare
Data aprobării : 30.11.2006
Data publicării : 02.12.2006
Număr de pagini : 19
ICS : 77.140.50 Produse si semi-produse plate din otel
Comitet tehnic : 42 - Oţeluri şi feroaliaje
- Inlocuieste SR EN 10126:2001
- Inlocuieste SR EN 10165:2001