SR EN ISO 4788:2005
Sticlărie de laborator. Cilindri gradaţi
ISO 4788:2005 specifies dimensions, material and constructional and metrological requirements of graduated measuring cylinders of tall form (Type 1a and Type 1b) and of squat form (Type 2). All types are suitable for general laboratory use. The specifications in ISO 4788:2005 are in conformity with the principles of design and construction of volumetric glassware given in ISO 384.
Status :
In vigoare
Data aprobării : 15.12.2005
Data publicării : 17.12.2005
Număr de pagini : 13
ICS : 17.060 Mijloace de masurare a volumului, masei, densitatii, viscozitatii
Comitet tehnic : 119 - Sticlă şi ceramică
- Inlocuieste STAS 4095-87