SR EN 55022:2000
Information technology equipment. Radio disturbance characteristics. Limits and methods of measurement
The intention of this standard is to establish uniform requirements for the radio disturbance level of the equipment contained in the scope, to fix limits of disturbance, to describe methods of measurement and to standardize operating conditions and interpretation of results.
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Status :
Approval date : 1/10/2000
Publish date : 1/11/2000
Withdrawal date : 10/1/2009
Number of pages : 56
ICS : 33.100.01 Electromagnetic compatibility in general
Technical Committee : 30 - Electromagnetic compatibility and radio interference
- Replaces SR EN 55022:2004/A2:2004
- Replaces SR EN 55022:2004
- Replaces SR CISPR 22:1996
- Replaces SR EN 55022:2004/A1:2004
- Normative reference SR CISPR 16-1:1997
- Normative reference SR CISPR 16-2:2000
- Replaced by SR EN 55022:2007
- Amended by SR EN 55022:2000/A1:2002
- Amended by SR EN 55022:2000/A2:2003
- Conflict with STAS 6048/3-83