SR EN 10346:2009
Continuously hot-dip coated steel flat products - Technical delivery conditions
This European Standard specifies requirements for continuously hot-dip coated products made of low carbon steels for cold forming, of steels for construction, of steels with high proof strength for cold forming and coated with zinc (Z), zinc-iron alloy (ZF), zinc-aluminium alloy (ZA), aluminium-zinc alloy (AZ) or aluminium-silicon alloy (AS), and for continuously hot-dip coated products made of multiphase steels for cold forming coated with zinc (Z) zinc-iron alloy (ZF) or zinc-aluminium alloy (ZA) with thicknesses of 0,35 mm to 3 mm unless otherwise agreed. The thickness is the final thickness of the delivered product after coating. This document applies to strip of all widths and to sheets cut from it (above or equal to 600 mm width) and cut lengths (< 600 mm width). NOTE 1 Products coated with (pure) aluminium can also be available, but are not covered by this European standard. NOTE 2 By agreement at the time of enquiry and order, this European Standard is applicable to continuously hot-dip coated flat products in thicknesses < 0,35 mm or > 3 mm with agreed mechanical pro
Status :
Approval date : 8/31/2009
Publish date : 9/2/2009
Withdrawal date : 12/23/2015
Number of pages : 36
ICS : 77.140.50 Flat steel products and semi-products
Technical Committee : 42 - Steels and ferroalloy
- Replaces SR EN 10326:2004
- Replaces SR EN 10336:2007
- Replaces SR EN 10292:2007
- Replaces SR EN 10327:2004
- Normative reference SR EN 10021:2007
- Normative reference SR EN 10079:2007
- Normative reference SR EN 10020:2003
- Normative reference SR EN 10204:2005
- Normative reference SR EN 10325:2007
- Normative reference SR EN ISO 6892-1:2010
- Normative reference SR EN 10049:2006
- Normative reference SR EN 10143:2006
- Replaced by SR EN 10346:2015