Romanian Standards Association, headquartered in Bucharest 1, Mendeleev 21-25 Street, registered within the Register of Associations and Foundations pos.: 311/1998, unique registration code RO11134288 (”ASRO”), operator of the online shops www.magazin.asro.ro, www.e-standard.eu and of the websites www.asro.ro, www.standardizarea.ro, www.ziuastandardizarii.ro, www.standardizare.wordpress.com, declare that all personal data (hereinafter referred to as ”data”) are deemed strictly confidential and are acted upon according to the laws in force in the data protection field.


Our data privacy personal policy regulates the use and storage of your data. You can consult our data privacy policy on the Privacy Policy page.

ASRO collects the following personal data types from you:

Name and surname


Telephone number

Invoicing and payment details 


We need your personal data in order to offer you the following services: 


Name and surname – we need these data for the delivery of the ordered products.

Email – we use the email address to confirm you the order and to notify you about your order’s stage.

Telephone number – we would contact you if any problems related to the delivery of your products.

Delivery address – we need these data for the delivery of the ordered products.

Invoicing address – we need these data to issue your invoice.


Name and surname – we need these data to identify you.

Email – we use the email address to communicate with you in order to be able to solve the encountered problem.

Telephone number – we will contact you to fast-track the solving of a problem.

The IP and shop website session details – we need these data to be able to offer you the Chat communication service and answer the questions by finding out which pages you have visited within the session on our website.

The website’ functioning

IP address – for filtering and detecting cyber attacks

Shop account information – your information will be held in our internal CRM to allow our vendors and the website to offer you a customized experience.

With your consent, we would like to process this information and the following personal data in Newsletter ASRO:

Name and surname – we need this information to communicate with you in a more personal manner.

Email – we need this information to be able to send the newsletter.

Online behaviour

Your navigation history personal data are transmitted to our partners described in the Cookie Policy. Please consult the description of these partners on this Cookie Policy page.


Your personal data are processed within the Romanian Standards Association. Your data hosting and storage takes place in the European Union. Your personal data for newsletter will be loaded in Mailchimp, who will act as assignee for ASRO.

Mailchimp operates the transmission of our newsletter. Their privacy policy can be consulted on Mailchimp.

The service providers we collaborate with to perform our activity are:

EuPlatesc is our service provider for online payments

Google Analytics is the traffic analysis provider of Google website


With the newsletter, we will hold your personal data only throughout the life cycle of the newsletter or until you notify us that you no longer wish to receive the newsletter. After this period, your personal data will be irrevocably destroyed.

For orders from our shop, your personal data, of those included in the financial and accounting documents or in documents appended to the financial and accounting documents , will be held for 10 years, according to the provisions of Article 38 of the Appendix to Order No 2634/2015 on financial and accounting documents, issued by the Ministry of Public Finances, and will not be accessed  for any other purpose besides the legal purpose they were archived for. After 10 years, these data will be destroyed.


If you have reasons to believe that the personal data regarding you that we hold are incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to solicit to see this information, to correct it or ask for its erasure, to solicit the restricting of its processing or to oppose the processing, and, as well, you have the right to data’ portability. To exercise these rights, please contact us on dpo@asro.ro.

If you wish to submit a complaint related to the way we processed your personal data, contact the data protection officer at the following email address: dpo@asro.ro. The data protection officer will get in touch with you in order to solve the indicated issue within 48 hours.

You can, as well, contact the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing to the address: www.dataprotection.ro.