SR ISO/CEI 7813:2008
Information technology -- Identification cards -- Financial transaction cards
Standardul specifică structura şi conţinutul datelor de urmărire, utilizate pentru a iniţia tranzacţii financiare. El ia în considerare atât aspectele umane cât şi pe cele fizice şi stabileşte prescripţiile minime pentru conformitate. Aceasta se referă la ansamblul general, tehnicile de înregistrare, sistemele de numărare, procedurile de înregistrare, dar nu şi prescripţiile privind securitatea. Standardul specifică procedurile de încercare utilizate pentru a verifica cardurile de mărime ID-1, în raport cu parametrii specificaţi in acest standard.
SR CWA 13449-10:2002
Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Part 10: Sensors and indicators Unit Device Class Interface - Programmer's Reference
No scope available
SR CWA 13449-1:2002
Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Part 1: Application Programming Interface (API) - Service Provider Interface (SPI) - Programmer's Reference
No scope available
SR EN ISO 14051:2012
Environmental management - Material flow cost accounting - General framework (ISO 14051:2011)
ISO 14051:2011 provides a general framework for material flow cost accounting (MFCA). Under MFCA, the flows and stocks of materials within an organization are traced and quantified in physical units (e.g. mass, volume) and the costs associated with those material flows are also evaluated. The resulting information can act as a motivator for organizations and managers to seek opportunities to simultaneously generate financial benefits and reduce adverse environmental impacts. MFCA is applicable to any organization that uses materials and energy, regardless of their products, services, size, structure, location, and existing management and accounting systems.
MFCA can be extended to other organizations in the supply chain, both upstream and downstream, thus helping to develop an integrated approach to improving material and energy efficiency in the supply chain. This extension can be beneficial because waste generation in an organization is often driven by the nature or quality of materials provided by a supplier, or the specification of the product requested by a customer.
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SR CEN/TR 16673:2021
Information technology - RFID privacy impact assessment analysis for specific sectors
The scope of this Technical Report is to use the RFID PIA Framework as the basis for exploring issues with four major sectors involved with RFID:
— libraries;
— retail;
— e-Ticketing, toll roads, fee collection, events management;
— banking and financial services.
After specific sector research and consolidation of the results of industry workshops and seminars that take place in several EU Member States, this Technical Report will identify the characteristics that need to be taken into consideration by operators of RFID systems in the example sectors. In addition it will provide advice to operators in the sector on significant variants both in terms of technology and application data. This will enable the appropriate risk factors to be taken into account.
Based on the synthesis of the applications in the chosen sectors, this Technical Report will also identify a set of factors relevant to specific RFID technologies and features that will need to be taken into account in preparing a Privacy and Data Protection Impact Assessment for many RFID applications.
SR ISO 21504:2022
Project, programme and portfolio management — Guidance on portfolio management
<p>This document gives guidance on the principles of project and programme portfolio management. This document is relevant to any type of organization including public or private and any size organization or sector.</p>
<p>The guidance presented in this document is intended to be adapted to suit the specific environment of each project and programme portfolio.</p>
<p>This document does not provide guidance on project management, programme management, or other specific types of portfolio management (such as financial portfolio management).</p>
SR ISO 14068-1:2024
Climate change management — Transition to net zero — Part 1: Carbon neutrality
Climate change management — Transition to net zero — Part 1: Carbon neutrality