
SR ISO 10573:1999

Soil quality. Determination of water content in the unsaturated zone. Neutron depth probe method
Standardul stabileste metoda de determinare în situ a continutului de apa din zona nesaturata a solului utilizând o sonda cu neutroni. Metoda este aplicabila pentru studiile care au ca scop cercetarea retinerii apei, bilantului si distributiei apei din zona nesaturata a solului

Status : Valid

SR EN ISO 10693:2014

Soil quality - Determination of carbonate content - Volumetric method (ISO 10693:1995)
Specifies a method for the determination of carbonate content in soil samples. Applicable to all types of air-dried soil samples.

Status : Valid

SR ISO 10694:1998

Soil quality. Determination of organic and total carbon after dry combustion (elementary analysis)
Standardul stabileste metoda de determinare a continutului de carbon total sin sol dupa combustia uscata. Continutul de carbon organic este calculat din acest continut dupa corectia functie de carbonatii prezenti în proba

Status : Valid

SR EN ISO 10872:2021

Water and soil quality - Determination of the toxic effect of sediment and soil samples on growth, fertility and reproduction of Caenorhabditis elegans (Nematoda) (ISO 10872:2020)
This document specifies a method for determining the toxicity of environmental samples on growth, fertility and reproduction of Caenorhabditis elegans. The method applies to contaminated whole fresh water sediment (maximum salinity 5 ‰), soil and waste, as well as to pore water, elutriates and aqueous extracts that were obtained from contaminated sediment, soil and waste.

Status : Valid

SR EN ISO 10930:2013

Soil quality - Measurement of the stability of soil aggregates subjected to the action of water (ISO 10930:2012)
The method can be applied to a wide range of materials originating mainly from the tilled horizons of cultivated soils. It can, however, also apply to any soil profile horizon, whether it is cultivated or not. Aggregates ranging from 3 mm to 5 mm are measured. However, the presence of gravel in the 2 mm - 5 mm fraction can distort the results. If the percentage of gravel is between 10% and 40%, the > 2 mm fraction of the gravel obtained from the tests should be washed and a mean weighted diameter (MWD, see 5.5) calculated with and without gravel. If the percentage of gravel is > 40%, the structural stability tests will not be significant. The method does not apply to unstructured materials, as they are not sufficiently cohesive to form millimetric aggregates.

Status : Valid

SR ISO 11047:1999

Soil quality. Determination of cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, nickel and zinc in aqua regia extracts of soil. Flame and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric methods
Standardul stabileste doua metode de determinare prin spectrometrie de absorbtie atomica a cadmiului, cromului, cuprului, plumbului, manganului, nichelului si zincului, dintr-un extract de sol în apa regala obtinut conform ISO 11466

Status : Valid

SR ISO 11048:1999

Soil quality. Determination of water-soluble and acid-soluble sulfate
Standardul stabileste procedurile pentru prepararea extractelor apos si acid ale solurilor uscate la aer sau ale materialelor asemanatoare solului. Continutul în sulfat a acestor extracte este determinat printr-o metoda gravimetrica în care se adauga clorura de bariu extractului apos sau acid si precipitatul de sulfat de bariu este cântarit si uscat

Status : Valid

SR EN ISO 11063:2020

Soil quality - Direct extraction of soil DNA (ISO 11063:2020)
The present document specifies a method for direct extraction of DNA from soil samples to analyse the abundance and composition of microbial communities by various techniques of molecular biology including real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR). This method is mainly dedicated to agricultural and forest soils. This method can possibly not be suitable for soils rich in organic matter (e.g. peat soils) or soils heavily polluted with organic pollutants or heavy metals. The direct extraction of DNA from soil samples provides unique insight into the a- and ß-diversity of microbial communities. Next-generation sequencing of amplicons obtained by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) amplification of soil DNA constitutes a promising domain which will in the near future contribute to the development of routine tools to monitor microbial communities in soil environments.

Status : Valid

SR EN ISO 11074:2015

Soil quality - Vocabulary (ISO 11074:2015)
ISO 11074:2015 defines a list of terms used in the preparation of the standards in the field of soil quality. The terms are classified under the following main headings: - general terms (terms relating to soil, soil materials, land, and sites); - description of soil (soil characteristics, soil water, properties of soils and substances, processes in soil, contamination, pollution, background content); - sampling (general terms, sample types/sampling type, sampling stages, execution of sampling, quality control samples, sample pretreatment); - terms relating to the assessment of soils (quality, assessment of soil and sites with respect to risk, hazard and exposure, soil protection); - remediation (general terms, principal remediation types, engineering-based methods, process-based treatment methods); - soil ecotoxicology.

Status : Valid